Personalised Online TutoringTel:  (02) 8710 0441  |  0400 322 426

Complete Immersion Teaching System

Our proprietary "Complete Immersion Teaching System" has been developed over 18 years of experience in tutoring Japanese language.

Our Complete Immersion Teaching System incorporates a number of unique features as a normal part of our lessons to create the best, most effective possible learning experience for our students.

The 9 major features include:

  • Design and delivery of lessons by our head tutor, Gloria Kaneko.
    Gloria has almost 18 years of experience teaching Japanese language in Sydney, predominantly to HSC and IB high school students, and is recognised as the best Japanese language tutor in Sydney. She is able to make Japanese students develop at a rapid pace and achieve outstanding results in exams. Gloria designs and runs all the lessons personally, as well as delivering the teaching portions of the lessons personally.
  • Individualised interaction with native Japanese-speaking assistant tutors.
    Each student is also allocated a native Japanese-speaking support tutor whenever possible, for part or all of each lesson. This immersive one-on-one interaction ensures a totally authentic and correct learning experience, as well as a far more rapid learning curve. Only native-speaking tutors are used in our academy.
  • Allocation of a different native Japanese-speaking assistant tutor for each lesson.
    Students are intentionally allocated a different Japanese support tutor each lesson when possible, to expose them to a wider variety of Japanese accents and speech patterns, thereby improving their listening and comprehension skills far more thoroughly and rapidly. Regularly meeting new Japanese people each week also makes lessons more exciting and fun for students.
  • Recording and listening to students speaking during lessons.
    This technique is extremely effective in correcting students' grammar and pronunciation, as well as generally increasing their confidence in speaking Japanese language.
  • Use of past HSC, Trials and IB exam papers and listening audio passages in lessons.
    We commonly use past HSC, Trials and IB exam papers and listening audio passages in our lessons to test students, and to help prepare them for their exams.
  • Teaching of exam strategy.
    Students are taught how to study and prepare for exams, as well as strategies for maximising their results, particularly for HSC and IB final exams. By bringing in marked past school exam papers for our assessment, students are guided as to how to best approach exams based on their school's marking style, to achieve maximum grades in future exams. A unique feature of this instruction is teaching our students how to avoid inadvertently making mistakes that typically lose them marks in exams.
  • Consultation with high school teachers.
    We are in regular contact with high school Japanese language teachers, which allows us to keep up to date with any changes in the curriculum, as well as providing us with a source of valuable and current teaching materials.
  • Exposure of students to Japanese arts, culture and lifestyle using online resources.
    All our students are given access to our private student website, The Student Lounge, which provides access to Japanese lifestyle & culture videos, Japanese TV and radio channels, Japanese music and fashion, manga and anime. In addition, as a part of Gloria's lessons, she periodically makes use of online photos and multimedia to teach students about arts, culture, current events, social events, celebrities, lifestyle, etc., from Japan. This makes lessons more interesting and fun for students, as well as reinforcing their understanding and retention of learned material.
  • Access to study and learning resources.
    In The Student Lounge our students also have access to study resources, books, learning articles, and vocabulary and kana trainers. These resources are being added to on a regular basis.

Lesson Structure

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